4/23/2019 0 Comments BC Heritage AwardsAll the great work on Yorke Island will be recognized at the BC Heritage Conference 2019 when the team is presented with certificates for Heritage Planning and Management. I was involved with a team that included Richard Linzey and Ursula Pfahler from the Heritage Branch, Denise Cook from Denise Cook Designs, Ben Gourley and Gord Macdonald from Heritageworks Ltd, Hayley Datoo, Sharilynn Wardrop, Jim Spowart and David Jack from BC Parks and Ross Keller from the 85VICS.
They're all a great team to work with and the products that were produced were awesome! Looking forward to great things in Yorke Island's future!
4/16/2019 0 Comments Diversity4/5/2019 0 Comments Other commitmentsNot enough hours in the day? It's already Friday and my to do list for the week is only half done! A big check went in the box for the Regimental Centennial Glasses project. The first batch arrived on Wednesday and I spent several hours sorting them out for the members that had pre-purchased. If you're a present member of 15th Fd Artillery Regiment, a past member or a member of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, you can order with a simple email to [email protected] Check out the items in our Quartermaster Stores here.
4/1/2019 0 Comments Confessions of a campaigner
AuthorLeon Jensen Archives
March 2020
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